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There is a saying that when I’m old with white hairs and clumsy action, I dare not become old without several leaves of aged tea! 


Generally, the leaves with long time is deemed to be aged tea, but why aged tea becomes better and what is connotation. Now, we will introduce some problems about Pu’er aged tea so that you can have better understanding about aged tea.





Collection of Pu’er aged tea

Pu’er aged tea must be stored in dry warehouse. To avoid foreign flavor, larger quantity will be better. If the sense of aging reaches certain years, it’s essential to seal them for storage, so the tea nature will not vanish gradually due to continual fermentation. 






普洱老茶,是光阴对细节耐心的精雕细琢,至于存放时间,因人而异,一般存放610年的茶算旧茶,存放1020年以上才能成为老茶。而江南体育下载平台注册 ,新有新的滋味,老有老的陈韵,每个阶段都有其迷人之处。普洱新茶喝的是香气、汤色、口感、喉韵等感觉;普洱老茶,品的是时间、内涵、历史等沉淀的文化。

Time of Pu’er aged tea

Pu’er tea is patient carving of time for details and storage time varies from people to people. In general, the tea being stored for 6~10 years is old tea, while those for over 10~20 years is aged tea. For Pu’er tea, the new tea has new taste and aged tea has aged charm, so the tea at each stage has its own features. Pu’er new tea lies in various feelings such as aroma, soup color, taste and charm, etc. Pu’er aged tea lies in different culture such as time and connotation, etc.





Appreciation of Pu’er aged tea

Appreciating aged tea is a kind of cultivation and different people has different feelings of tasting tea. Some people say that drinking aged tea properly can make good people happy, give power to depressed people and provide health for those with destiny. In fact, aged tea can’t be sought. Aged tea is not as straightforward as new tea. You may not understand when you taste, but the affairs of the world are inconstant. After many years, you may suddenly understand it may be the taste of life.






Taste of Pu’er aged tea

The aroma of Pu’er aged tea has faded, but aged flavor is strong and you can experience the taste after ageing with time. Through natural fermentation for several decades of years, there is no sour or astringent flavor, but the taste is smooth, sweet and cool. After drinking it, you will feel good in body and heart. Time can not stay, old tea is not easy, and drink and cherish!



